Sawan subdistrict in North Bali called for mental health help

After helping Sudaji villagers in north Bali, the head of community sub district Sawan called for mental health help to Suryani Institute. The institute found 750 people suffering for mental health and left untreated in Buleleng regency. Sawan is a subdistrict (kecamatan) in the regency of Buleleng in northern Bali, Indonesia. The district is the …

East Bali continues to receive donation for mental health

Around 9000 people in the paradise island, Bali, suffering for chronic mental disorders, but the government still stand still without any changes in solving the problem. The institute still has to go door by door to visit the patients and distribute their help and donation from outside,  because the doctors and the nurses at the …

Faculty of Psychology Widya Mandala Chatolic University Surabaya searching for community mental health

Faculty of Psychology Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya was established in Surabaya on December 2, 1997. The first Dean of the Faculty of Psychology chaired by Prof. W.F. Maramis, SpKJ. The faculty position themselves as agents of change and center of excellence that helps individuals and communities to address these changes through socio-clinical approach and …

The Radboud University Nijmegen researching meditation in Bali

Meditation has been attracted many people. Most of them want to learn and experience the peaceful mind as the result of meditation. There are dozens or more specific styles of meditation practice. People may mean different things when they use the word, ‘meditation’. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious …