Research opportunities

SIMH has a longstanding and ongoing international academic research tradition. We have run collaborative studies with universities, such as:
  • The University of Edinburgh, UK
  • The University of Sydney, Australia
  • The University of Warwick, UK
  • The University of California (Davis), US
  • The University of Hawaii, US
  • The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • The University of Vermont, US
  • The University of Kiel, Germany
  • The University of Toronto, Canada
  • Rollins College, US
  • Leiden University, Holland
  • Stenden University, Holland
Here in after is a list of selected publications that resulted from the above collaborations:
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Tiliopoulos, N, & Francis, L.J. (in press). The internal consistency reliability of the Santosh-Francis scale of Attitude toward Hinduism among Balinese Hindus. International Journal of Hindu Studies.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani, L.K., Tiliopoulos, N, & Jensen, G.D. (2010). Spiritual-Hypnosis Assisted Therapy: A new culturally sensitive approach to the treatment and prevention of mental disorders. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 12,195–208.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., & Tiliopoulos, N. (2009). Schizotypal personality traits and attitudes toward Hinduism among Balinese Hindus. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12, 773-785.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani, L.K., Jensen, G.D., & Tiliopoulos, N. (2009). A spiritual-hypnosis assisted therapy of children with PTSD after the 2002 Bali terrorist attack. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 52, 23-34.
  • Strenge, H., Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani, L.K. (2009). Random number generation in bilingual Balinese and German students: preliminary findings from an exploratory cross-cultural study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 109, 1-15
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2009). Pedofil penghancur masa depan anak (Pedophile the destroyer of children’s future. Jakarta:Pustaka Obor Populer.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2010). Menembus pancaran mata ibu kutemukan diriku kembali (Re-finding the self through the mother’s eyes).  Jakarta:Pustaka Obor Populer.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani,  L.K., Adnyana, T.A.K. (2008).  Penanganan penyalahgunaan narkoba dengan pendekatan biopsikospirit-sosiobudaya (Treatment for drug abuse with biopsychospirit-sociocultural approach). Jiwa,  XLI(2), 1-16
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2008). Biarkan anak berkembang wajar (Let the children grow naturally). Jakarta: Eviexena Meditama
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2008). Hidup bahagia perjuangan melawan kegelapan (Happiness life: courage to overcome the darkness).  Jakarta:Pustaka Obor Populer.
  • Suryani,  L.K.,  Page,  A., Lesmana, C.B.J., Jennaway,  M., Basudewa,  I.D.G., Taylor,  R. (2008). Suicide in paradise aftermath of the Bali bombings. Psychological Medicine, 39, 1317-1323
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., & Suryani,  L.K. ( 2007). Hipnoterapi-spiritual pada penanganan anak-anak dengan posttraumatic stress disorder setelah bom bali 2002 (Spiritual-hypnotherapy in the treatment of children with posttraumatic stress disorder after the bali blast 2002). Medicina,  38:132-6
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2007). Kiat mengatasi badai kehidupan perkawinan (How to handle the storm of marriage life). Jakarta:PT. Intisari
  • Jensen, G.D., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2007). Trance in Balinese culture. Natural Medicine, 30,128-9
  • Suryani, L.K., Lesmana, C.B.J., and Jensen, G.D. (2006). Healing the people of Bali through meditation and trance. Natural Medicine, 26,114-115.
  • Edge, H., Suryani, L.K., Tiliopoulos, N., & Morris, R. (2005). Two cognitive DMILS studies in Bali. Journal of Parapsychology, 68, 281-321.
The institute welcomes international, multidisciplinary research proposals and collaborative grant applications from academic institutions and research groups in the following areas:
  • Cultural psychiatry
  • Cross-cultural psychology
  • Clinical psychology
  • Medical anthropology
  • Gerontology
  • Community-based medicine and psychiatry
  • Psychology of religion
  • Trauma and Disaster
  • PTSD
Furthermore, individuals may also request research or educational collaborations with the institute. For such requests to be considered, the following requirements should be met:
A. Necessary conditions:
  • A postgraduate degree (MSc, PhD, etc.) in psychiatry, psychology, medicine, or related disciplines.
  • Evidence of the applicant’s research (e.g. academic publications) or educational (e.g. teaching) competence and activity.
  • Proof of funding/sponsorship to cover the applicant’s expenses in Indonesia.
  • A visa that allows the applicant to work in Indonesia.
  • Comprehensive medical insurance.
  • The required vaccinations.
  • Proof of a clear criminal record.
B. Desired (but not necessary) conditions:
  • Spoken and written knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Familiarity with the Balinese culture and religion.
  • International driving license.
Finally, the institute reserves the right to charge the applicant fees for use of its facilities and personnel.