Meditation Class of 2017

A new meditation class of 2017. Meditation is simply a way to guide you to concentrate on one attention so you can face the struggle of life more easily. A mind body spirit approach was implemented to achieve happiness life. The class open every Sunday morning from 9-11 am at Belimbing Street No 11, Denpasar.

Dissemination and understanding of relaxation meditation applied in everyday life received a good response not only from communities in Bali, but also from those outside of Bali and abroad. Some asked if they could use the relaxation meditation method either in their workshop or training in related fields in which they engage. Professor Luh Ketut Suryani often said, “Please, anyone can use my method after they understand it. The important thing is to declare the original sources of the method. Not to idolize someone, but to make us proud as a nation of Indonesia”. The bio-psycho-spiritual–socio-cultural approach meaning each individual consists of physical, mental, and spirit that in physical growth and mental development are affected by their socio-cultural surroundings, she add during her teaching.

Meditation 2017

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Challenges and opportunities in year 2017

First appearance at National Public Radio dialogue in year 2017 with topic: challenges and opportunities in year 2017. What should we do when public policies are not on public side? Many Balinese died from traffic accident, suicide, HIV/AIDS, homicide, and other crimes, but unfortunately no prevention works have ever done to review the policies.

“In an island where people believe life is like in a paradise, an instant solution to commit suicide has become a trend”, said Professor Luh Ketut Suryani during the interactive session. National Public Radio in Denpasar has become one of the media to reach more audience in making prevention work on mental health. Dr Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana as one of the speaker in the interactive program also bring his concern to government failure in looking the fact of mental health situation.



A mental health miracle from North Bali

A boy from North Bali just born from a father whom was kept in a cage for 8 years by his family due to his mental illness. With the institute helps he manage to live normally in community, got marriage and now has 2 children. An innovative model of integrated community mental health was created in order to create a ground community-based prevention, treatment and rehabilitation system.

“Mental disorders’ treatment in Indonesia uses a hospital-based institution approach. As a result of this functional failure of this mental health model, many untreated mentally ill individuals are abandoned, permanently restrained, chained, or placed in cages by their families (pasung)”, said Professor Luh Ketut Suryani after received a happy news from North Bali regarding the new born baby.  The actual number of such cases is still unknown; however, the Indonesian government officially estimates this number to be around 18,000 individuals, while unofficial evidence puts it over 40,000 cases nationwide.

North bali

In search of different level of conciousness

First week of the year 2017 were colored by 12 young University of Vermont, US students and 2 faculty members who flew to Bali in search of consciousness, spirit, culture and community mental health. There is strong evidence that consciousness is a process that emerges in a highly interconnected network of neural cells, each of which is not a conscious entity.

“It will open a door toward new direction in our country to understand consciousness when we have the chance to explore and feel the real sense of it from Bali”, said David and Carla Osgood as the coordinator of the project. While Professor Luh Ketut Suryani as the Director of SIMH has trying to provide the arena in search for new understanding of consciousness. Freed from a fragile and degradable body, human being still have an X factor that still untouchable by science. Indeed,  exploration of it try to make sure that it is used for human progress, not for catastrophic aims.


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